Sep 2002


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September had several Journal events.

I was roster secretary for the Canberra Quilters exhibition so the roster forms where always to hand as I added and deleted names. I printed it onto fabric that I had soaked in Bubble Jet set.

Mid Month I travelled with a friend to a crazy quilt retreat in Melbourne, A wonderfull weekend that resparked my creativity. I represented this by using the fabrics from the op shop dress cut up, I used bits with seams and tags to show the bits are being cut into, I vlisofixed the fabrics to the background and used the appliqued scissors to secure them.

I wrote intructions for doing cq beach scenes that included how to make the thongs (flip flops).

And to make the thongs I cut big thongs into little bits and there is a lot of waste rubber that I cut off the bottom, friends kept asking me what I had Liquorice on the table for and I could not resist the temptation to paint lines onto the rubber to make liquorice allsorts, I called them eye candy. It is also appropriate to put them onto this piece because the friendship group that issued the challenge is called the Allsorts.

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